domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

The Colony age in Mexico

The Colony in Mexico
I would like to travel in time and go to the age of the colony in Mexico.
This time I chose is just after the conquest of Mexico, the colony, that age begun at the XVI century. The Spanish Hernán Cortés conquered Mexico and that fact give birth to a new age, we lost many natives because of the different religions, Spanish wanted them to believe in a single God, they wanted to teach about their religion, the Catholicism. Many Aztecs and many other cultures did not wanted to believe in the stranger the Spanish called God, they believed in their own gods, like the Rain God, the Thunder God, etc. The ones who did not wanted to take the Catholicism were killed. I would like to see how the cities were reconstructed in the Spanish way, also I would like to see how a culture was destroyed and a new one was born, it would be really interesting.
The colony lasted around 300 years, and in that times the Viceroys were the persons who took the control of Nueva España, they were chosen by the King of Spain and the viceroys protected the territory, they controlled the exports, they charged the taxes and many other things.
In Mexico were 63 viceroys.
I think the Colony is an interesting age; actually this one and the Conquest are the ages which changed Mexico’s history, surely we wouldn’t be equal as we are if the Spanish would not come here to make our ancestors suffer in the way they did.
I would love to see the dresses that the Spanish women used; this would the main reason why I would like to go back to Colony. The dresses were awesome! I know they may be too tight but they were beautiful, and they were so huge! On the other hand, they could not go to the bathroom [it was, and of course it is still being so nasty!].
Another thing I would love to see and of course to stay a while inside, were the carriages, I think it could be a little uncomfortable because you could get a headache or even worst you could feel really sick.
Maybe I would like to breathe the air, which was not polluted, it would be nice.
Well, maybe I am wrong about the decision I made, the Colony in Mexico is not the best place and time of world history, the did not have any type of electricity, the persons were often treated in a rude way, the natives were not having such a good time, the women [the native ones] were violated and the Spanish stole everything they could for sending it to the King, Carlos V; and they were very idiots because they let the pirates steal OUR gold and our richness, apart of wasting all the gold they could for building and creating big -huge might be a better description- churches.
However, I like the time I live, it is a good time in spite of all the world’s problems that seems to go worst in every step the human takes. I think it would be worst, like living with Hitler massacres or when the Aztecs extracted the heart of innocent persons.

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Harrison Gerberon

Page 27
2.- Harrison was tired of being trated like a bad person only because he is handsome and inteligent. He got on his nerves and then he reveals, he was tired of hearing the sound of his earphone.. he couldn't think!!
I admired Harrison because he had the value of showing that he disagreed of the way the government limited all the people.

3.- I feel so sorry for Hazel and George because for example, Hazel watched in T.V. how his son was being killed but she couldn't understand it.
It is awful to see how they didn't noticed that they didn't have a son anymore.
Hazel was crying but she didn't remember why and the worse part is that George told her to forget it, she should not remember bad things so she agreed and then they return to their "normal" life again, the sound George heard was the center of conversation again!!
How could they live like that?

-George really didn't have a handicap in that literal meaning. He was very intelligent, I think more than Diana, and it is unfair to read that he is controlled in that way.
He is frightened of competing again like in past times but it is insane not to do it.
I wish he could reveal as Harrison.

-Hazel is normal because she is like a fool woman, she was born like that and she was unable to think by herself so she didn't represent any danger for government. She was free of using earphones with horrible sounds, her brain didn't think like a normal person so as she can't reason she had a "perfectly average intelligence"

-Harrison was a brave man, he had the courage that nobody had, the courage to reveal against government without caring all the security. He enjoyed the moment in which he had the freedom to dance and almost kiss the ciling, also had the pleasure to kiss a beautiful woman.
I think he died happy.

5.- Societies must not be controlled because someone will always reveal, that's why countries' independences were made.
For example, when elections are made in countries the government try to distract people with many things like soccer or free concerts, so the people wouldn't think about the candidates.
Like romans said "For our town, just bread and circus"

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Comments about "The Interlopers"

"The Interlopers"
The ending of this story it's good because I don't like the stories which always have happy endings, it is boring.
So, this story has a good ending, the author thought very well about it, I didn't like it very much because of the wolves, I imagine how they kill the 2 men. It was nasty!
The ending surprised me a lot.
About the rest of the story, I like it.
I like the moment where Georg and Ulrich became friends after thinking about all their stupid problems, but they have bad luck.. they couldn't enjoy their new friendship :S.
Anyway, the story is easy, quick and good.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

Fine Arts

Fine Arts

1. Music: Beethoven's forth simphony.
Its author create it without hearing it, Beethoven was a deaf person and he did a beautiful melody. That's why it is a master piece.

2. Dance: Flemish
It's recognized all around the world, flemish is a beautiful dance and it includes a lot of discipline.

3. Movie: La vie au rose
It has a very good photography, the music is really beautiful, there are no words to explain it, and it shows you an image of Paris, 50 years ago.

4. Painting: Monna Lisa
It's a misterious painting, it causes you a lot of questions that nobody is capable to answer.. that mistery becomes Monna Lisa in a great piece of art, made long time ago by a famous pintor.

5. Literature: "Ensayo sobre la Ceguera"
It's a wonderful book. It talks about the mankind, people's fears, about society of today and faith, is incredible how the author writes about faith in the book. Definitively, a great job.

6. Sculpture: Venus de Milo
It's incredible the way this sculpture was made because its author didn't have the technology to cut that material and the woman that represents the sculpture is very pretty.

7. Architecture: Notre Dame cathedral
It's perfect!! It's the most beautiful example of a gothic building, the cathedral is huge and wherever you see, it looks like a master piece.